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Häufig gestellte Fragen für Emma Kissen

What are the best pillows for people with allergies?

This of course depends on the type of allergy. If you are worried about your house dust allergy , you can use our pillows without hesitation. Our foam pillows have washable pillowcases, while our microfiber pillows are fully washable and have anti-allergenic properties to ensure you an allergy-free sleep.  

Which external influences have to be considered when buying a pillow?

When shopping for a pillow, you should consider your body type, your preferred sleeping position, and the firmness of your mattress. Together, these factors define how your spine is aligned during sleep. The most important factor is the sleeping position - it defines the right height of the pillow to support your spine and improve blood circulation. On average, side sleepers require higher pillows compared to back sleepers, while stomach sleepers require minimal neck support. 

The second point to consider is body shape, someone who is tall or broad-shouldered will need a higher pillow, while someone with a smaller stature should prefer a lower pillow. 

The last point to consider is the mattress - if you have a soft and resilient mattress that you sink deeper into , we recommend a flatter pillow. If your mattress is a little hard and you sink in just a little , your pillow should be a little higher.

What is the best pillow for side sleepers/back sleepers/stomach sleepers?

All of our pillows are suitable for side sleepers who lie a little higher. For stomach sleepers who tend to sleep flat, we recommend our customizable product lines (Classic, Premium and Elite pillows ) where the middle layer can be removed for a more comfortable sleep. For back sleepers, the ideal position for a good night's sleep is usually lying on your back, and our adjustable pillows (Classic, Premium and Elite Pillows ) are recommended for that too . 

All Emma pillows are designed to fit any body type and are adjustable - be it by adding/removing layers or simply by flipping the pillow. 

What kind of pillow is the ideal one from an ergonomic point of view? And why?

Pillows that have more than one layer and can be adjusted are ideal , because they can be individually adapted to your body shape, your sleeping position and your sleeping circumstances ( all Classic, Premium and Elite pillows ).  

For example, one layer is ideal for stomach sleepers who have a soft mattress and very narrow shoulders. Two layers are recommended for side sleepers with narrow shoulders or side sleepers with broad shoulders but a soft mattress. Three layers are ideal for side sleepers with broad shoulders and a hard mattress, or for back sleepers with reflux problems.   

Which pillow is suitable for children?

The use of a pillow is not recommended for infants and small children.In general, most pillows are too high so thatchildrencannotbe properly supported ergonomically. 

Which pillow is the most customizable?

Our Classic, Premium and Elite pillows all come with different inserts.This gives you seven different ways to customize the pillow to your liking by flipping it or removing layers to change the pillow's firmness and height. 

What are the different pillow materials and what are the differences?

Emma offers two different types of pillows - microfiber pillows and foam pillows.All provide optimal support for the cervical spine through removablelayers thatallow you to customize the pillow toyourliking.Whenyoufeelthe needto fluff upyourpillow and cuddle, our microfiber pillows are the solution foryou.Ifyouprefera firmer feeland like to sleep onyourpillow,youwillfind our foam options better.

Which are the softest and hardest pillows?

Emma fleece pillows are the softest.Emma foam pillows are the hardest.Each of the Emma pillows has a soft and a hard version.The adjustable cushions (classic, premium and elite cushions) can be adjusted in height and comfort.  

Do I have to buy a pillowcase with the pillow?

It is not a mandatory item, butit is recommended to have a pillowcase tokeepthe pillow itself clean andtomatchthepillowwith ourbedding.Our pillowcases are washable, have a comfortable feel and are made from hypoallergenic materials. 

How does the pillow trial work?

The risk-free trial period is an exclusive benefit for Emma customers.The 30-day trial period beginson the dayyou receiveyouritem .We offeryouthisservicebecausewe believe thatyouonly knowifan Emma product is right foryouifyou testitandgetused to it.If after the trial periodyoustill thinkthatour product is not a perfect fit foryou,you canreturn it.Feel free to useour return portal to start the process.

How many years are there guarantees for the accessories?

Each Emma sleep accessory may have a different warranty.We recommend that you review the warranty information on each product's description page. 

Are the accessories supplied with the mattress or separately?

In most cases, our products are delivered on different days.Because we work with various partners around the world, there is always a chance thatyouraccessories will arrive in separate packages.